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  • Some dissenting economists such as Ronald Coase argued that they could often be addressed through privatization — converting common property into property owned by individuals, who would then have strong incentives not to overuse or destroy it.

    The Volokh Conspiracy » Elinor Ostrom and the Tragedy of the Commons 2009

  • In 1959, University of Chicago economist Ronald Coase first proposed that the government use market auctions instead of political cronyism to allocate radio spectrum.

    Spectrum Auctions? There's an App for That L. Gordon Crovitz 2011

  • Likewise, the same market failures of open-access -- whether characterized as externalities, following A. C. Pigou (1920), or public goods, following Ronald Coase (1960) -- have led to the degradation of air and water quality, inappropriate disposal of hazardous waste, depletion of stratospheric ozone, and the atmospheric accumulation of greenhouse gases linked with global climate change.

    Robert Stavins: Reflecting on a Century of Progress and Problems Robert Stavins 2011

  • It only took 50 years for the feds to realize that economist Ronald Coase was right.

    Spectrum Auctions? There's an App for That L. Gordon Crovitz 2011

  • Mr. Surdam has written a book in which Ronald Coase and his eponymous economics theorem share the page with Hank Greenberg and Joe DiMaggio, and balance sheets outweigh box scores as basic source material.

    When It Was a Game—Of Survival Henry D. Fetter 2011

  • Bandwidth auctions were conceived by University of Chicago economist Ronald Coase more than 50 years ago as a market alternative to having regulators pick and choose who deserves a license.

    Spectrum Dinosaurs at the FCC L. Gordon Crovitz 2012

  • Theories were developed in these years, led by economists like Milton Friedman, Ronald Coase and James Buchanan that government was basically self-interested business at work, only far more inefficient.

    Jeff Madrick: Big Government Myths Are Undermining Democracy and America's Future 2010

  • The professor was Ronald Coase of the University of Chicago.

    Better Broadband Is No 'Joke' L. Gordon Crovitz 2010

  • The professor was Ronald Coase of the University of Chicago.

    Better Broadband Is No 'Joke' L. Gordon Crovitz 2010

  • The 1991 Nobel Laureate Ronald Coase once commented that if an economist "finds a business practice ... he does not understand, he looks for a monopoly explanation."

    Antitrust in a High-Tech World Timothy J. Muris 2010


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